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High air injection jet

HOME > Products > High air injection jet
Air jet injection

The air jet injection device generates a strong blowing force through a small amount of compressed air In addition, by inhaling the surrounding air at an instant, it creates a large amount of air and reduces the amount of air consumed.
- Excellent for removing foreign substances (chips, moisture, fine powder) from the product surface.


  • Powerful removal of foreign substances such as chips and cooking oil
  • Injection and mold local cooling
  • Intensive cooling of the heating part
  • Vacuum suction and dust collection/discharge
Detail Information
  • Powerful removal of foreign substances such as chips and cooking oil
  • Injection and mold local cooling
  • Intensive cooling of the heating part
  • Vacuum suction and dust collection/discharge

Device specification
MODEL Measurement
Distance (cm)
Injection Power
0.3 Mpa (3 bar) 0.4 Mpa (4bar) 0.5 Mpa (5bar)
Small FAJ-S01 [Air Nozzle Type] 30 14.3 (m/s) 18.9 (m/s) 22.8 (m/s)
FAJ-S02 [Srandard : Strong Injection Type] 60 11.7 (m/s) 15.2 (m/s) 15.6 (m/s)
FAJ-S03 [ Amplified injection Type] 30 15.6 (m/s) 20.6 (m/s) 21.6 (m/s)
Middle FAJ-M01 60 12.2 (m/s) 16.2 (m/s) 17.8 (m/s)
Product application